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Dec 27, 2021

God isn’t limited to the church walls; He’s on the move. The best way to experience God is an openness to join Him in His work that extends from Norfolk to the nations! In this message we start with “what if” as we seek to take a drastic stride in our vision this year as a church.

Dec 26, 2021

Merry Christmas Tab, we are so excited to spend Christmas Eve with you! We can rejoice in God's fulfilled promises and the Christmas story exudes that very thing. Join us as we consider Jesus's birth as the fulfillment of God's Advance Notice!

Dec 19, 2021

This Sunday Pastor Ed is continuing our series, Advance Notice, looking at the Old Testament prophecy of Micah!

Dec 12, 2021

This Sunday we're continuing the series, Advance Notice, by taking a deep dive into Isaiah 7! It is a powerful prophetic word that is vital to our understanding of the Christmas story in Matthew 1.

Dec 5, 2021

We're kicking off our Christmas series Advance Notice this week! We'll look at the First Advent through the prophecy of the Old Testament and how God fulfilled every detail. First, we'll go way back to the first indication of God's plan to send His Son. It might surprise you where it is!