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Jul 29, 2018

We are continuing our current series, "This is Us." This week we'll be discussing how to have Faith That Sticks.

Jul 22, 2018

If you're like most people, you are probably praying for better health, more money, or a more comfortable life. In this message,  we're going to explore the prayers of the New Testament. We'll see that they are very different from the kinds prayers that you and I often pray.  What if we started praying these prayers...

Jul 8, 2018

The Bible says in Ephesians 4 that we are all to be ministering to one another, building one another up in Christ.The Bible says in Ephesians 4 that we are all to be ministering to one another, building one another up in Christ.

In this message, Tab Elder, John Close,  discusses the fantastic way that God has built His...

Jul 1, 2018

The mission of Tabernacle church is to fulfill the Great Commission. In this message, we are going to consider the Great Commission by looking at the journey of a well-known prophet called Jonah. God gave Jonah the responsibility of taking the message of the Lord to a distant nation. He was not only a reluctant...