Oct 28, 2018
Recently I went to the eye doctor because I was experiencing small specks in my eyes that blurred my vision. Well, it turns out that I'm just getting old.
But the experience reminds me very much of what Jesus said to the Pharisees. He asked them, "Why is it that you look at the specs in other people's eyes and do not...
Oct 21, 2018
Every good parent teaches their children how to save money. But not every good parent teaches their children how to be rich. Every good parent teaches their children how to save money. But not every good parent teaches their children how to be rich.
This Sunday, we will look at Matthew 6:19-34 where Jesus teaches us...
Oct 14, 2018
Most of us want to do the right thing. But, sometimes we need to consider the motivation behind our actions. Are we trying to do it to impress others? Are we hoping to get something in return? Most of us want to do the right thing. But, sometimes we need to consider the motivation behind our actions. Are we trying to do...
Oct 7, 2018
Here's a saying that we're going to talk about in this message, "Going the extra mile." What does Jesus mean when he says that we, as followers of Christ, have to be willing to go the extra mile?
Put simply it means this that we have to exceed the world's expectations of us. Join us as we consider how Jesus challenges...