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Apr 30, 2017

We’ve started a major new series at Tab where we are looking at how to rediscover our passion and power to reach the next generation.

Interestingly, the opening of Luke’s Gospel echoes the last words of the Old Testament in Malachi. You can check out the passages here. In these passages, we see God’s heart...

Apr 23, 2017

Over time, things fall apart. Cars need repairing, kitchens need remodeling, and streets need repaving. And what is true in the physical world, is true with the things unseen.

If we don’t pay attention to our relationships, they will degrade. If we don’t pay attention to our souls, they will decay. God affirms...

Apr 16, 2017

Sometimes we get so caught up in the details that we forget to see the big picture. That can be true for the Easter story as well. There are a lot of characters and a lot of events to keep straight.

In this message, we take a step back and take a look at the big picture of Easter and the central message that God has for...

Apr 9, 2017

When the chaos of daily life becomes overwhelming, where do you turn? Through prayer, you can know God better. Through prayer, you can access God’s wisdom. Through prayer, you can experience His comfort, power, and guidance.

Join us this week as we discuss how passionate, persistent prayer produces life-saving change...

Apr 2, 2017

When was the last time you heard someone say, “I just want my kids to be happy?” Or “If it isn’t working for you, just do what makes you happy. Or "You deserve it, all that matters is that you are happy.” We hear statements like these all the time. They point to our culture's preoccupation with happiness.