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Sep 25, 2016

After you’ve lived life for awhile, you begin to understand that life is just too big for us to handle. It’s too difficult, and it’s too complex. That is why God gave us His book. Contained in it, is everything we need to know about how to make the right moral decisions. Sadly, so many don’t go to this book...

Sep 18, 2016

We are beginning a sermon series entitled Primetime: The Best Minutes of Your Day. Of course, I’m talking about our personal time with God.

Most Christians that I have known have wanted to commit themselves to having regular times of prayer and meditation alone with God. However, I have also found that most Christians...

Sep 11, 2016

Faith + Vision + Sacrifice = Miracle.

This formula guides our ministry at Tab church. Said another way, our trust and reliance on God, keeping our eyes on the goal, and being willing to do what it takes to get the mission accomplished will result in God’s work being realized in our congregation and community in some...

Sep 4, 2016

Need a boost? Whether it’s a cup of coffee to power through the morning or extra fuel to launch a rocket, sometimes a boost is needed to make forward progress.

Chances are, you’ve been in the spot where you could use a boost in your walk with God. I know I have.

We all want you to experience life and growth with...