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Feb 26, 2017

The Beatles sang, "All you need is love." They pretty much hit the nail on the head.

Jesus was clear when he said that the greatest thing we can do is to love. So it seems right that when we are looking for someone who might be good marriage material, we should look for signs indicating whether or not that person would...

Feb 19, 2017

We are beginning a new teaching series entitled “Questions of Romance.” Each Sunday, we will ask a question related to dating and marriage and then seek to answer that question with God’s truth.

This week, we will ask the question, “What kind of person does not make good marriage material?” Come get God’s...

Feb 12, 2017

As you consider your game plan for the year and your life, consider Jesus' final goal for His twelve disciples.

Jesus consistently taught that His followers would serve others. Jesus reminded his followers that a disciple is not greater than his teacher. And since Jesus came to serve and not to have others serve him,...

Feb 5, 2017

Church attendance, by itself, is no guarantee of spiritual fitness. In fact, claiming Christ as your savior doesn't ensure that we will be healthy spiritually. What then will help us deepen our relationship with God?

In this message, we are going to look at three truths about spiritual workouts and look at a spiritual...